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STM32F030 has low power consumption and high current in stop mode.

Januar 05, 2021 by Caius 2030

There is another question. Regarding NVIC_SystemLPConfig and RCC_APB1PeriphclockCmd, the effect of adding these two functions and not adding these two functions is

It's different. The relevant information was not found.

I haven't done anything about low power consumption before, but the problem lies here.

What should you pay attention to about stop mode, please give me some advice.

Alle Kommentare

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Lavinia Veröffentlicht am January 5, 2021

If the internal clock is used, it will indeed consume more power than the external clock.

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Giorgio Veröffentlicht am January 5, 2021

It should have nothing to do with the crystal oscillator, you should not go to sleep in the simulation state, test it in the offline state. The JTAG port may also have leakage current.

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Caesar Veröffentlicht am January 5, 2021

If it is not so high, there must be a problem with other places or circuits. I use STM32F030R8T6 to measure, that is, the official eight discovery boards, HSI, all IO ports are set to pull-down input, and the stop mode is 31uA. Standby 4.5uA.


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