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How does STM32F1CUBE use partial remapping?

Dezember 24, 2020 by Diane 1254

How to set IO port remapping in STM32F103 series CUBE? What I want is to map tiM3_CH2 from PA7 to PB5. Can anyone help? Thank you

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Gerard Veröffentlicht am December 24, 2020

Click the corresponding mappable IO port directly on CUBE.

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Karolina Veröffentlicht am December 24, 2020

I now want to map SPI1 to the corresponding pin of SPI3.

Because part of the program has been written, I don't want to use CUBE_MX to update the project again.

If you want to know what operations are required for remapping?

Now a new project is created and SPI1 is remapped. In the spi.c file, there are more __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_SPI1_ENABLE() functions. But I don’t know what else needs to be changed elsewhere.

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Martina Veröffentlicht am December 24, 2020

Change the register configuration,


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